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We are committed to raising $1.3 million over the next two years to pay off Hallmark Church’s remaining debt.

What does this mean for our future? Freedom. By eliminating this financial burden, we open the door to incredible opportunities to “go further together.” Being debt-free opens the door to:

  • Investing more into our ministries that equip the next generation to find and follow Jesus.
  • Expanding our community outreach efforts to meet more tangible needs.
  • Sending the Gospel into the world by supporting more missionaries and global projects.

This is a big but achievable goal. We believe that God has called us to be radically generous in every area of our lives. Just the Macedonian believers in 2 Corinthians 8, we have the chance to give beyond what is expected, trusting what God can do with our faithfulness.

Being debt-free means being ready. By positioning ourselves spiritually and financially, we are saying “yes” to whatever He calls us to do, whenever He calls us to do it.


Imagine the possibilities of the impact a debt-free Hallmark Church could have:


Blessing the Community

  • A food pantry providing for families in need
  • A medical clinic offering care, hope, and healing.
  • Opening our 8-acre property for community programs throughout the week.

Investing in Redemption

  • Partnering with Freeway Ministries to bring the Gospel and support to those rebuilding after incarceration.

Global Missions Expansion

  • Sending teams and resources to spread the Gospel in every corner of the world.
  • Supporting church plants and missionaries on the front lines of ministry.

Beyond is about more than paying a bill. It’s about transformation. It’s about saying yes to God’s call to be Jesus’ hands and feet in South Fort Worth and around the world. It’s about dreaming and preparing for what God can accomplish through us for His glory.


Upcoming Mission Trips

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Honduras 2025

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Cambodia 2026

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Kenya 2026

Where are we in the Journey?

God is good! We have just started our Beyond journey and people are already giving. This is just the beginning and we look forward to going Beyond, not just with our treasure but with our time, talents, and testimony.

If you’ve want to have a reminder of BEYOND, download the phone background or computer background.

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