Back to School Bash
August 29, 2021
10:30 AM
Join us on Sunday, August 29th at 10:30 am for our Back to School Bash. On this special Sunday, there will be no Connect Groups and only one worship service at 10:30 am.
The nursery will be available for Birth through 4 years old.
During this service, we will be having a time of celebration and prayer for the upcoming school year. Crowley ISD Superintendent Dr. McFarland will be in attendance to say a few words as well.
Every student, teacher, and faculty member in attendance will receive a free gift. Please register in order to reserve your gift.
Immediately following the service, several food truck options will be available for lunch. Each person in attendance will receive a free $10 voucher so that you can enjoy some lunch on us!
Invite your teacher and any other school employee that you know, and register today!