Fall Bible Studies
September 11, 2019
Beginning Wednesday, September 11th @ 6:30 p.m. in WC 208, our men will start a 7-week study in the book of 1 Peter.
In The Book of 1 Peter, Kyle Idleman walks through the short letter and unpacks the importance of our witness in this world. The world’s not as it should be. Until the day that God rights all wrongs, we have a job to do. Let’s be about the business of the kingdom.
To stay updated with our men’s ministry, join the Hallmark Men’s Facebook group.
Ladies Bible Study will begin Wednesday, September 11th at 10 AM or 6:30 PM. We will be going through the 7-week study, Hebrews by Lisa Harper. The workbook will be $14.
To stay updated with our women’s ministry, join the Hallmark Women’s Facebook group.