Next Man Up – Men’s Conference
April 19 – 20, 2024
5:00 PM
Men need each other to make a brotherhood that encourages, strengthens, and empowers them to pursue Christ and lead their families well.
We are excited to host the NEXT MAN UP RALLY at Hallmark Church on April 19-20th.
On Friday, we will have food, games, and an energetic worship service where We will get to hear John Stroup’s testimony of powerful transformation in prison and a challenging message from Robby Gallaty on how to be the next man up for Jesus.
Then, on Saturday, the 20th, we will have breakout sessions on various topics that men face and must work through daily to build a strong faith. Following the breakout sessions will be a closing service led by John Stroup and Josh Zuniga.
Become the next man up to lead your family and encourage the other men around you to find and follow Jesus.
Be sure to register and let us know that you’re coming. We look forward to seeing you and bring a friend!
Friday Night Rally (April 19)
5:30 – 7:00 – Dinner Served
5:30 – 7:00 – Activities available
5:30 – 7:00 – Pick up shirt
7:00 – 9:00 – Service with Robby Gallaty & John Stroup
Saturday Morning – “Spring Training” (April 20)
8:30 – 9:00 – Continental Breakfast
9:00 – 9:45 – Session #1
10:00 – 10:45 – Session #2
10:00 – 10:45 – Youth Session (Sanctuary) with Josh Zuniga
11:00 – 12:00 – Closing Rally with John Stroup
- Spiritual Disciplines: Prepare to Fight.
- Marriage: Fulfilling your God-given role
- Apologetics: Jesus and Islam
- Apologetics: Proof of Jesus outside the Bible
- Men and Mental Health: Renewing your Mind
- A Father’s Heart: Discipling adult children
- A Father’s Heart: Discipling younger children
- Winning the battle for sexual purity
- My loved one is an addict
- New Believers
This is an outreach event and the goal is to provide all of this for FREE! We will be seeking individuals and businesses to sponsor this event. Click here to learn more about being a sponsor.
Speaker Bio’s

Robby Gallaty is the Senior Pastor of Long Hollow Church in Hendersonville, TN. Robby completed his Masters of Divinity Degree in Expository Preaching in 2007 and his Ph.D. in Preaching in 2011 from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
Robby is the author of numerous books and also provides a wealth of discipleship resources through Replicate Ministries. When he’s not serving at Long Hollow, you might find Pastor Robby hanging with his family, communicating on his HAM radio, cutting and measuring wood in his woodshop, out on the nearest disk golf course, or cheering for LSU.
Robby is married to Kandi, and they have two sons, Rig and Ryder.

Saved in a prison cell and transformed into a minister of the gospel, John Stroup shares a testimony of God’s grace. Once homeless and on drugs, John is now being used to make disciples and reach the lost for Christ. God has given him a burden to see communities ravaged by drugs and crime be transformed through the power of Jesus Christ.
Since 2011, John has helped to develop an outreach design that is targeted at reaching ONE BROKEN LIFE AT A TIME by partnering with local churches to reach the marginalized. With the help of the local church, Freeway Ministries ministers to the overlooked and forgotten in society. With training, churches can effectively reach this people group and play a major role in transforming lives and communities negatively affected by drugs and crime.
Freeway Ministries is a non-profit organization that reaches an average of 1,000 people weekly with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in nine locations across the globe. They are committed to providing care, counseling, and discipleship to transform the addict’s life from hopelessness to hope. Weekly, Freeway provides meals, clothing, and Bible services to this hard-to-reach population, extending to within the walls of prisons and jail cells.
Along with the affiliate programs, The Freeway Ministries Discipleship Houses can house up to 68 men and women nationwide, and the program is recognized as an alternative to prison in seven counties in Missouri. The houses help provide an environment fostering self-sufficiency and a relationship with Christ.
John Stroup is passionate about preaching revival throughout the United States. By stirring the people’s hearts, John believes the local church is one of the most effective tools to reach the lost. John shares the Hope that he has found in Christ through revivals, high school assemblies, and outreach events; he believes every individual can be a part of reaching one broken life at a time. John continues to be recognized throughout the community by local and state government officials for his contribution to making real change. His story has been highlighted on multiple media platforms. He is a published author with two books: From the Pit to the Pulpit and Stop Loving Your Kids to Death. John currently lives in Springfield, MO, with his beautiful wife, Sharla. They have four children: Ashlyn, Chase, Keith, and Zynleigh.

Josh Zuniga is the Director for Freeway Orlando, a ministry that reaches the hard-to-reach with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Josh spent 14 years in addiction and lived a criminal lifestyle. After multiple overdoses, arrests, and ending up in the cardiac ICU four times within a 16-week period, Josh finally hit rock bottom.
God used John Stroup and a hospital room visit to reach Josh. He entered the Freeway discipleship program, and four years later, he graduated from Baptist Bible College with a bachelor’s degree in Intercultural Studies. He now serves in full-time ministry, is married, and has a son who will never have to see his dad involved in drugs or crime!